8 Oct 2008

Cambridge and Workflow

Last night saw Rich and I travel up to Cambridge to hijack the evening with our Watin and Workflow talks.

Chris and Allister certinaley have managed to bag themselves with an excellent crowd and venue! We were given a very warm welcome by the group and were asked some very complex questions on our talks.

I did get one question which I could not answer which was this:

"Doesn't creating more than one Workflow Runtime in an AppDomain raise an exception?"

This was interesting as I thought you could, but the attendee thought you couldn't. So I've done a bit of searching and found we were both right! Before the final release WF did indeed use to throw an exception if you tried creating more than one instance of it in an AppDomain, but after the final release you can create as many instance in an AppDomain as you like. Here's a link with a bit more info on the matter, including when you'd want to have multiple instances running.

Overall I thought the session went well, the feedback from Southampton run really helped improve the session, and apart from a couple of hiccups in the second half it went really well. So I'd just like to thanks the guys in Cambridge for hosting us, and the members for making us feel really welcome.

I'll be posting code and slides up soon, so check back later :)

Oh, and don't forget to harrass Chris and Allister to host the Silverlight Assault Course up there :)

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