4 Nov 2008

Regions and PDC Hard Disks

I've just started to get my teeth into the Hard Disks we were given at PDC. So the obvious first port of call is the Wf 4.0 stuff I saw demoed.

Virtual Image runs up, good stuff. Put the password in, nope. Hmmm, maybe the caps is on, try again, nope. Realise I'm using a Virtual Image setup for Americans, so try the " key, and we're in :)

I'm pleased to say all the Virtual Labs are included on the Virtual Image, so will be cracking through them and posting stuff about it here :)

I've also installed the M3 release of Windows 7 on my laptop as the main operating system. I know, brave or stupid, you decide ;) The main reason is that I want to take advantage of the ability to mount VHD as actual drives. I'll report back on my progress with that too...

1 comment:

Brian Keller said...

Hey John - which password are you having trouble with? Is it for the VS2010 CTP? If so, drop me a line. brian DOT keller AT microsoft DOT com

Loved the podcast, BTW. :)