17 Nov 2008

Windows 7 and Windows Update

So I've been trying to figure out why Windows Update refuses to work on my Laptop, which was the cause of the whole VHD mouting issue.

So first off, why can't it connect to the internet? What else was effected by this problem? Did this affect all programs? Well no, first off Firefox, IE, Outlook and Skype were connecting quite happily. But Live Messenger wasn't. This implied to me that it was down to some sort of configuration, as why would somethings get out onto the internet as opposed to others?

I opened up McAfee Security centre, but this opened in a white window and didn't do anything else. That was odd, so I checked Windows Firewall and this was on too. So in theory Windows Firewall should be controlling connections in and out, and is configured by default to include rules for both Messenger and Update. I turned Windows Firewall off and tried update and messenger again. Still no joy. Odd, ok so lets uninstall McAffe. One uninstallation and restart later and I'm connecting to Windows Update and Messenger.

So it looks like McAfee being installed before the upgrade had upset things somehow. I'll try reinstalling McAfee later on in the week and report back if it breaks again.

1 comment:

Neil Robbins said...

McAfee is malware anyway :)